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Pullman Post Doc and Researchers

Post Doctoral Research Associates


Savannah Bartel, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Crowder Lab

Education: Ph.D. & B.S University of Wisconsin

Interest:Savannah is evaluating the cascading effects of Tasmanian devil declines on scavenging food webs and carrion decomposition



Diego Rincon, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Crowder Lab

Education: Ph.D. Entomology, The Ohio State University

Interest: His broad interest is understanding the mechanisms and patterns that increase sustainability in agricultural systems. His background is associated with the analysis and modeling of predator-prey interactions and vector-borne pathogens in agroecosystems. He is currently focused on the development of decision-making tools for pest management at various spatial scales.


Taylor Reams, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Hopkins & Kulhanek Lab

Education: Ph.D. Texas A&M University, M.S. University of North Carolina Greensboro

Interest: I am studying the changes in honey bee health, viral loads, and parasite loads in commercial colonies. I am also studying the population structure of Varroa mites within stationary and migratory colonies.


Ryan Kuesel, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Hopkins Lab

Education: Ph.D. Entomology, University of Kentucky

Interest: He is broadly interested in understanding the ecological and economic interactions of insects, plants, and humans in agriculture. His background is in landscape analysis and management of small-fruit pests in agroecosystems. He is currently studying how honey bee colony health is affected by movement to different specialty crops across the growing season.


LavineMark Lavine, Research Associate, Lavine Lab FSHN 263

Education: Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, M.S. University of California, B.S. Northern Arizona University

Interest: Identification of mechanisms of insecticide resistance in pest insect populations.

Charles Coslor
Dr. Charles Coslor

Charles received his Masters from WSU and PhD from Michigan State, both in Entomology. Charles works in Louis Nottingham’s lab at the NWREC in Mount Vernon, and for the Skagit County Extension Pest Board.