Featured Image Above by Megan Asche
WSU Puyallup Research and Extension Center
This center unites a rich past of education and research with a critical and important need: the ability for institutions of higher education to develop sound science, instruction and outreach to meet the needs of future urban communities and their residents. These programs support technological innovation, food production, natural resource stewardship, youth development, human nutrition and community enhancement.
Current faculty that are located at the WSU Puyallup Research and Extension Center are Todd Murray and John D. Stark.
WSU Prosser Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center
A focal point for the University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS), and the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) research, extension, and certification programs that address the concerns of irrigated agriculture. The primary areas of research at IAREC include: technology-intensive agriculture; biologically intensive and organic agriculture; perennial horticultural production including selected plant breeding programs; irrigated cropping and animal systems; plant protection from diseases and pests; disease forecasting; viticulture and enology; and bioproducts and biofuels.
Currently located at the WSU Prosser Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center are David G. James and Douglas Walsh.
Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center in Wenatchee
Entomologists at the Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center located in Wenatchee, WA strive to develop better pest management practices through advancements in the understanding of insect biology, behavior, and the interactions between orchard ecosystems and the inputs that are necessary to produce quality tree fruit crops.
Currently located at Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center in Wenatchee are Elizabeth Beers, Tobin Northfield, and Louie Nottingham.
WSU Mount Vernon Research Center
Our mission is to serve the agricultural, horticultural, and natural resource science interests of the state through research and extension activities that are enhanced by the unique conditions of northwestern Washington: a mild marine climate, diverse small and mid-sized farming enterprises and close rural-urban interface.
WSU Extension Integrated Pest Management Program
With a firm foundation of laboratory and applied research, faculty and staff of WSU communicate the latest in crop protection and sustainable pest management tactics to our state’s agricultural producers and other end users.
Currently located at the WSU Extension Integrated Pest Management Program is Wendy Sue Wheeler.