June Beetles (May beetles, July Beetles) are found in the Subfamily Melolonthinae of the Scarab family. The Ten Lined June Beetle, Polyphylla decemlineata ( Say) is very common throughout the PNW Region as a root feeding white grub which feeds on roots of crops, garden, and ornamental plants. The beetles emerge in the summer, usually in late June through July in SE Washington. They are large beetles of 22 to 28 mm size, which are attracted to lights at night and are found under the lights in the daylight. They hiss and squeal when handled. Males (see head jpg) have large feathery antennae to detect the female (whole beetle image) pheromones.
Insects &
Black Widow Spider
Blister Beetle
Box Elder Bug
Cat Face Spider
Cat Flea
Cereal Aphid
Cereal Leaf Beetle
Corn Earworm
Crab Lice
Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid
False Wire Worm
European Mantis
Jumping Spider
Juniper Scale
Locust Borer
Minute Pirate Bug
Mosquito Diseases
Northern Scorpion
Rose Curculio
Russian Wheat Aphid
Snowball Aphid
Ten Lined June Beetle
Western Yellow Striped Army Worm
Wheat Stem Sawfly
Wire Worm
Wooley ash aphid
Yellow Jacket Wasp
Yellow Sac Spider